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大图中心郑振涛同学论文被中国可视化与可视分析大会 (ChinaVis)录用
发布时间: 2023-08-04 23:39
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计算学院大二年级郑振涛同学在大图中心青年教师徐超清的指导下,与浙江省人民医院、浙江省智慧医疗创新中心合作完成的论文被中国可视化与可视分析大会 (ChinaVis)录用,同时郑振涛同学在会议上作了论文报告。

Carotid artery plaques can cause arterial vascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction, posing a severe threat to human life. However, the current clinical examination mainly relies on a direct assessment by physicians of patients' clinical indicators and medical images, lacking an integrated visualization tool for analyzing the influencing factors and composition of carotid artery plaques. We have designed an intelligent carotid artery plaque visual analysis system for vascular surgery experts to comprehensively analyze the clinical physiological and imaging indicators of carotid artery diseases. The system mainly includes two functions: First, it displays the correlation between carotid artery plaque and various factors through a series of information visualization methods and integrates the analysis of patient physiological indicator data. Second, it enhances the interface guidance analysis of the inherent correlation between the components of carotid artery plaque through machine learning and displays the spatial distribution of the plaque on medical images. Additionally, we conducted a case study on carotid artery plaques using real data obtained from a hospital, and the results indicate that our designed carotid analysis system can effectively provide clinical diagnosis and treatment guidance for vascular surgeons.


中国可视化与可视分析大会 (ChinaVis) 是全国最具权威的可视化学术盛会,由我国可视化业界工作者联合发起,宗旨是促进中国及周边地区的可视化与可视分析研究与应用的交流,探讨在大数据时代可视化与可视分析发展方向与机遇,推动相关研究与应用的发展与进步。会议录用的英文论文后续将推荐到《Journal of Visualization》或《Visual Informatics》期刊。

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