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Undergraduate Recruitment Seminar for Very large scale intelligent graph computing research center
time: 2023-04-21 16:51
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On April 12, 2023, the Research Center for High-Performance Intelligent Computing on Ultra-Large Graph Data, located in the School of Computer and Computing Science at Zhejiang University City College, held a recruitment seminar targeting undergraduate students in Room 117 of the Li Si Building. The seminar was hosted by Dr. Xu Chaoqing, a core teacher of the Research Center, who introduced the basic situation, research direction, research achievements, and requirements for recruiting interns at the Research Center. The seminar attracted nearly a hundred undergraduate students who are interested in the Research Center.


Dr. Xu Chaoqing first introduced the background and goals of establishing the Research Center. He pointed out that with the digitization, intelligence, and networking of social governance, ultra-large scale graph data has become an important basic data resource for social governance. How to effectively process and utilize this data is currently facing important challenges and opportunities. Therefore, the school established the Research Center in 2022, relying on the academic committee led by Prof. Chen Chun, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and bringing together many outstanding young teachers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate and undergraduate students from inside and outside the school, including those from Zhejiang University. The Research Center forms an interdisciplinary, cross-level, and cross-regional research team. The main research task of the Research Center is high-performance intelligent computing of ultra-large scale graph data oriented towards social governance, involving various fields such as digital cities, education, transportation, finance, and healthcare.


Afterwards, Dr. Xu Chaoqing briefly introduced the core teacher team and research topics of the Research Center. The core young teachers of the Research Center have obtained doctoral degrees or postdoctoral experience from well-known universities at home and abroad, with rich research experience and achievements. They have published numerous high-level papers in authoritative international or domestic journals or conferences. Their research topics cover a wide range of areas, such as visualization of brain neural fibers, vulnerable plaque project of carotid artery, visual concept learning, explainable artificial intelligence, social influence propagation, academic network evolution, urban population trajectory evolution, etc. Their research topics have strong innovation and practical significance.


Finally, Dr. Xu Chaoqing summarized the basic requirements for recruiting undergraduate students at the Research Center and the scientific research resources that they can obtain after entering the Research Center laboratory. He expressed that the Research Center welcomes undergraduate students who are interested in high-performance intelligent computing of ultra-large scale graph data to join the Research Center laboratory.


After the seminar, Dr. Xu had interactive communication with the undergraduate students present at the event. This seminar marked the first time that the Research Center opened up internship opportunities to undergraduate students. It is hoped that more outstanding undergraduate students who are interested in engaging in high-performance intelligent computing research on ultra-large-scale graph data can join the Research Center, and provide new impetus and talent support for the development and growth of the Research Center.

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